May 6, 2024 - #mondaymoment #resources #abundance
Happy Monday, my friends! During the last week we have seen a level of student-organized protests nearly rivaling the height of the anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960s and 1970s. While we may disagree with what they’re protesting or even how they’re choosing to protest, I hope we can agree that their right to demonstrate should not be met by militarized police interventions and crackdowns.
It has always been fascinating to me that Jesus likely trained as a carpenter, the recorded occupation of his earthly father, Joseph. It’s said that in times of plenty we should build bigger tables rather than higher walls. Jesus’ message of radical love is very similar. During his time on earth, Jesus regularly dined with the oppressed and the marginalized. He spent significant time with the poor, tax collectors, and sex workers. He set the example that we too are to follow.
In times like today, when the forces of history, politics, colonialism, and war pull us apart and demand that we pick sides in a mix of more than two sides, we should reach out and listen to opposing views rather than entrench ourselves behind ever-growing walls. There is a table, a world possible where Palestinians, Israelis, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Republicans, Democrats, MAGA folks, Democratic Socialists, traditionalists, progressives, and every other social, political, ideological, ethnic, racial, sexual, and gender identity group can find equitable space and voice. As Christians, we call that the Kin-dom of God, and it is indeed also God’s Table where no one is ever excluded.
Who is included around your table? How can you build literal and proverbial larger tables?
Let us pray: God, we prepare tables and invite you to be our honored guests, but you place the marginalized, the oppressed, and outcasts at the head of the table and in the places of honor. Help us to build larger tables where everyone is welcome and no one is turned away. Amen.
Blessings on your weeks, my friends! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.